Recently I was wondering where we ever got the idea of an hour massage from. Seems to me the hour massage is the most common. I am a voracious reader and I don’t just collect old massage books, I read them, so I thought I would pull out a couple and share them with you. […]
The Best Massage!
I got to hear that today. I get to hear it almost every day. Can’t let it go to my head though because I know that that every day many thousands of other Massage Therapists hear the same thing. We can’t all be the best Massage Therapist. Different strokes for different folks and all, it […]
We Can’t Always Have It All
I would love to have a Wellness Center, indeed I greatly enjoyed having a multidisciplinary practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma for many years with a number of Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Yoga Instructors and Estheticians. At this point it isn’t feasible for us. My concern is that all over the country I am seeing some unfortunate trends […]
Post-Op Massage & Bodywork
Yes there was a long period of time when Christopher and I were in Oklahoma that we saw quite a bit of post-op massage referrals. Haven’t seen too many here yet so I wanted to tell you a bit about it. Most of the time people would make an appointment or let us know when […]
Garden for Your Soul and Protect Your Body!
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To Nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ~Alfred Austin I believe every Massage Therapist has been lectured or is aware that they should take better care of themselves and their hands. Many of […]
A Family of Hands
“After the Oklahoma City bombing, volunteer therapists gave massages to exhausted rescue workers, numbed survivors and overworked pathologists. The state medical examiner observed that the massage therapists were “accomplishing more in 15 minutes than psychologists could in an hour or two” (Life, Aug. 8, 1997). The Oklahoma City Bombing was a tremendous tragedy. It was […]
It is Okay to Fail
I have really been enjoying being in the 31in31 Blogging Challenge. This year I may fail though. I am owning the fact that I may consciously choose failure. I detest losing. I don’t like to fail. This is a hard decision. I may change my mind and pull two more out but, I doubt it. […]
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get a Massage...
I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that! Tom Lehrer Sometimes it doesn’t matter how positive you try to be and how wonderful your life is. Sometimes things happen and you get blindsided with negativity or sink down into a pit of pitifulness and […]
There’s No Place Like Home
We are so thankful for having the private office with the private entrance and we are constantly planning to make improvements. I understand many people would rather visit a retail or commercial property. I just wanted to point out some of things about our home office. Centrally located; on Gay Street between the High School […]
Time is on Our Side
I truly believe rushing is the eighth deadly sin. It causes so many issues, not to mention accidents. Christopher and I have been Dr. Who fans for longer than we want to admit. That being said, we do joke about being Time Lords. Time Lords sounds much better than “time managers” too. I don’t want […]