Do you like unexpected surprises? Sometimes they are good, sometimes not. I actually had a pretty good one recently. I was thinking about getting something. Talking myself out of it. Telling myself I didn’t need it. Saying I couldn’t find one that I liked. Even saying it was too expensive. Have you ever done anything like that?

Well, much to my surprise, when I wasn’t looking for it, it appeared. It was beautiful. Perfect, cost less than I thought and has already proved more useful and valuable than I ever imagined.

This is it!


Yes a case for my IPad with a keyboard. May not seem like a big deal to some but for me this is great. Now I can keep up on the 31 blogs in 31 days challenge. Some of you might even like to know what it I am up to on the road.

I hope that one day I become the unexpected surprise for one of you. One of you that has been telling yourself that you don’t need a massage. One of you that has been telling yourself that you probably wouldn’t like it. One of you that has become convinced that it is too expensive or that you do not deserve to feel great. One of these days one of you will.

In the meantime, just go back to the front page at and click that “Schedule Now” button and I will see you when I get back in town. It will be a wonderful unexpected surprise for both of us!