Last August I participated in the First 31 in 31 Blogging Challenge. I really enjoyed it. I know many of you did as well. I met some amazing Bad Ass Blogging Massage Therapists and had a great time. Along the way I wrote a lot. I hopefully began to improve my writing and got some much appreciated feedback.

So settle in for the month and enjoy.


If I am writing 31 blogs in 31 days I am spending more time on the computer, more time typing and definitely dissecting my brain coming up with ideas to blog about. Now many of you do this type of thing every day, and I feel for you. I could not do this without my weekly 90 minute Massage. I do not know how anyone lives without Massage because I have lived with it for 26 years.

So I have a proposal for you to consider. What if you really decided to take care of

yourself and get a massage to counteract all that work and computer time?

If you received 1 minute of Massage Therapy for every hour you worked or were on the computer what would your Massage Therapy schedule be?

A half hour a week?

An hour a week?

An hour and a half every other week?

Those games on the computer and facebook where you move jelly and grow stuff count too, so do the math again.

Okay, so you come up with a number that doesn’t fit in the half hour blocks. That is okay.

Round the number up or down and give us a call at 610-906-2322 to schedule your next appointment.

The most important thing here is that you have a next appointment to look forward to.